home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- " Vim filetype plugin file.
- " Language: Lua 4.0+
- " Maintainer: Max Ischenko <mfi@ukr.net>
- " Last Change: 2001 Sep 17
- " Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
- if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
- finish
- endif
- " Don't load another plugin for this buffer
- let b:did_ftplugin = 1
- " Set 'formatoptions' to break comment lines but not other lines, and insert
- " the comment leader when hitting <CR> or using "o".
- setlocal fo-=t fo+=croql
- setlocal com=:--
- setlocal cms="--%s"
- setlocal suffixesadd=.lua
- " The following lines enable the macros/matchit.vim plugin for
- " extended matching with the % key.
- set cpo-=C
- if exists("loaded_matchit")
- let b:match_ignorecase = 0
- let b:match_words =
- \ '\<\%(do\|function\|if\)\>:' .
- \ '\<\%(return\|else\|elseif\)\>:' .
- \ '\<end\>,' .
- \ '\<repeat\>:\<until\>'
- endif " exists("loaded_matchit")